Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Felt Masks

These are the first masks I ever made. The big kids love being
superheros, Bay's is supposed to be like a kings crown however he is sure
that they are teeth and so when wearing the mask he runs around growling at everyone/thing.

These masks are so pretty and so simple to make.
Like always I didn't have any printer ink when I made these
(Bad habit of mine) so I had to draw them by hand but you can
download the templates from here. I went one further with these masks
than the original maker did and I stuffed and backed them. It took maybe two days for me to make these, all hand sewn.

This is my Rudolf. I wanted to make a heap of Christmas masks however by the time I got this one finished I was so over making them. Maybe next year?

Halloween Finger Puppets

So we have a Black Cat (which is brown because I couldn't find any good quality felt in my usual stores), a Mummy, a Skeleton, a Ghost and a Pumpkin.

I do plan on making 5 puppets for every special occasion and animal group however I have been fairly busy lately.

On The Farm Quietbook

This is my On The Farm quietbook. I am very proud of this book. I think it took me about a month to complete as I was working on so much at the time and the whole book is hand stitched because I don't own a sewing machine.

I got some Ideas, such as the barn, from Pintrest but I drew my own patterns and did my best to make each page my own.

I hope you enjoy looking at it as much as I enjoyed making it. Unfortunately I don't have any patterns to share because I didn't keep them and didn't actually draw templates for all of the pages.

The Front Cover.

Pages 1 & 2. Both very popular pages, and for good reason too!
Aren't they cute?

The apples have velcro on the back so they can be 'picked'
and put in the basket.

The barn. 2 Cows, a pig and a rooster. The rooster has a little
pocket window to sit in and the cows and pig have velcro.

The animals are finger puppets. The reason they have no eyes is
because I started off making them with google eyes, which were really cute,
but they didn't last long. And I think they are kinda cute without eyes!

Pages 3 & 4. Before anyone says anything, yes, I do realize that
Indians don't actually sleep on the farm. I was originally making a
tent but ended up deciding that Indians were way cuter. Unfortunately
my children have lost the Indians.

So the main thing with these pages is counting. 1 moon, 2 clouds,
3 moths (which were originally butterflies until Izzy kindly reminded
me that butterflies are asleep at night) and 4 eggs.

Pages 5 & 6. The garden is yet another popular page.

The veggies, 2 Carrots, 2 Beetroot and 2 Potatoes, can be pulled from the dirt, stored in the basket and re-planted again.

The tractor wheels come off and stick back on with velcro. A very simple page but it was a favorite with Bay.

Pages 7 & 8. The letterbox is another popular one. The windmill was a last minute page. The blades can spin.

There is a blank letter in the envelope. The flag (flag?) moves like a
 real one. Here in Australia we don't have the flags on the mailboxes so the kids don't understand it. "Why not just open it to see if there is mail?"

There is a dragonfly hiding in the bush.

The back cover.

And that's that. Like I said, I hope you enjoyed it. It was so fun to make.